FLOATING Trauma Healing

Healing of Relationships II

FLOATING Handbook for Trauma Therapy


Copyright © 2019 Gopal Norbert Klein


The book (online and print version) can be copied and reproduced completely and can be used in your workshops and events, as well as it can be downloaded online. However, copying it or offering it in parts or excerpts as a download, as well as any use for commercial purposes, is prohibited! All rights reserved exclusively to Gopal Norbert Klein.



This book is pleased to belong to you... the manual of a new transgenerational approach to liberate us as human beings from old traumatic burdens. It is written full of light and love: for those who are interested, for participants and for therapists. FLOATING is based on simple principles: Honest communication, group regulation, mindfulness, slow pace. As a method, it incorporates aspects of polyvagal theory and spirituality into practice in a way that establishes a group field, and the facilitating therapist does not have to do much more than to provide a stable framework. Instead, it guides us back to the natural state, to what would actually exist on its very own if we were not so disturbed by the society. To that extent, this type of work encompasses nothing complicated, but on the contrary is the simplest and most natural work possible :-) FLOATING requires no access to any life details, like past experiences, information or ideas, and also does not deal with the future. It is not even about symptoms or diseases, nor about healing and problem solving: the honest interchange of our body perceptions, feelings and thoughts here/now is creating the connection that resolves all suffering from an early childhood with an utmost accuracy. The objective of this book is to set up an additional template in the nervous systems of our society, which starts at the root cause of all suffering and from there will transform our inner and later also our outer world. At the moment, FLOATING still requires the guidance of a professional therapist, as we are currently too absorbed in a dysregulated state. Soon, however, it can be part of our normal everyday life and thus contribute to a steady increase in our well-being. In fact, it is able to dissolve any conflict in minutes. I would also like FLOATING to find its way into the public media and to be featured live there! This publication describes and fully explains FLOATING in detail, with specific instructions for practical implementation and the creation of optimal energetic and organisational conditions. It also contains valuable testimonials from its participants. I want us all to be independent of any spiritual teachers and psychotherapists. Therefore, in this book you will learn exactly how to use FLOATING in the hope that it will eventually become a standard practice in our society. It is a very powerful tool and I leave it up to you to decide whether you, as a therapist, have the necessary inner and outer prerequisites to be able to handle the process confidently. Only with your own profound processing experience and trauma therapy training in mind you should lead the process when working with other people. If you are not already active as a therapist, you will learn interesting facts and insights about this amazing profession. You can experience how extremely complex such work is in practice. I describe the essential aspects and prerequisites needed of trauma therapy in order for a profound and safe transformation of the participants to take place. During this process, the therapist will also be transformed. Everyone should come together with this book: Therapists, participants and also those who are attending the program with me. Participants will learn how the process works and, most importantly, why, so that it is easier to commit to it. Therapists and spiritual teachers can discover another extremely effective method and integrate this into their ongoing practice. In addition, the book is also the teaching materials that I use in my trauma training. FLOATING has emerged naturally from my group work as I started to see more clearly how we are constantly (unconsciously) trying to heal ourselves in group settings, and what is needed to actually complete this healing process. Before we start, a few words to differentiate this process from the "local group" process. This is something completely different! It is not a therapeutic process, but a method of group regulation in the form of self-help groups. The purpose is to create a basis of stability in the nervous system without the guidance of a psychotherapist or spiritual coach. FLOATING, on the other hand, is a therapeutic method that can reliably lead the most profound processes to the surface and to complete the process. It currently needs to be accompanied and guided by an experienced therapist. You certainly would like to use this book, but the book would also like to help you :-) So be aware that you will find unfamiliar aspects in it and that by reading it different things might start to happen... The book, like all my books, addresses several levels at the same time. FLOATING has been completely developed by myself as described in this book or respectively was spiritually gifted to me. Now I wish everyone much joy on this journey home.... Gopal


What does FLOATING mean?

FLOATING is an English word that literally translates as "to float, to drift". It is a process characterised by complete passivity and associated with pleasant states. In fact, there are so-called floating tanks wherein one can float in the water without any effort. The salt content is so high that even the head floats on its own and one can relax and let go of everything. You are safely carried by the water, so that any sense of boundaries dissolves and such a profound relaxation arises that can hardly be experienced in other environments or under any other circumstances. What does all this have to do with relationships, communication and group regulation? The natural, stress-free flow of life can certainly be compared to this floating. If there are no traumas and energy blockages, life really does flow on its own, without our interference. This does not mean that we are doing nothing, but only that there is no one left to fight against anything. However, activities can still happen... This flow of life essentially consists of approaching people or letting people approach us and giving space to this natural force of attraction. It is a floating and drifting behaviour directed towards each other. This free-flowing movement between ∞ us is what FLOATING restores. It dissolves all obstacles that are preventing the flow of love. Anything that has been transformed by FLOATING can no longer be transferred to the next generation. The negative aspects that are transferred are mainly unexamined patterns of relationships and commitments. By FLOATING, these patterns are completely dissolved and updated. It is therefore also a transgenerational process. In its practical approach it is similar to the family constellations, but it has fundamental differences: * There is no subject or always the same subject (connection) * There is no need to externalise with representatives * The work only takes place in the presence of the people who are physically present * Everything is resolved directly, right here and right now. * It is just about communicating, not about problem solving According to my findings and experience, I claim that family constellations in its classical constellation form is no longer necessary. The reason is that in reality there is always only one issue at stake, there is only one kind of a problem. And everyone has the same one: A lack of attachment. All suffering crystallises around this as a consequence. We can dissolve this directly here/now by communicating, without requiring further therapeutical constructions. In order to understand how this works, we have to understand that in every group we join, whether we like it or not, our nervous system always recreates childhood. Subsequently, in an automated, ancient, non-functional way, the nervous system tries to complete this (to get the connection that was not possible at a given time). To do this, the nervous system exclusively relies on the physically present persons as a projection surface, so that no ancestors or other people would be required who are not present at the present time. Once the commitment problem is resolved, the suffering ends. There is nothing else to deal with. All suffering, all problems can be traced back to commitment problems that manifest themselves again with the people present at any given time. The way to dissolve them is by an honest exchange of the content of our three levels of existence (thoughts, feelings, bodily sensations). The "art" of doing so is described and explained in detail in this book. The energetic perceptions are less relevant and are not needed for the transformation. Nevertheless, it is helpful to include them, especially if you are a group leader. The maximum group size for this exercise is 30 people. The ideal size is about 14.


Effects on the nervous system

The extraordinary effect of FLOATING is based upon the understanding of what really drives us most deeply inside. The starting point of all our inner and outer movements is the desperate attempt to realise the failed bonding of childhood after all. But because our nervous system has experienced some dysfunctional patterns of relating during our growing-up phase, we not only experience that our relationship with the world has failed, but we experience it as if that failure happens to be us! This becomes the apparent reality of ourselves and the universe: There is something fundamentally wrong with me or others and no one can help me. This is exactly how it may feel. As an adult, however, this is no longer objectively the case, since I can choose any people, I want as my relationship partners ♥ and live out entirely new relationship patterns. However, this real situation is not available to us today until we have fundamentally experienced what a truly bond and contact feels like. Since the nervous system has no patterns for such a relationship, it cannot establish and (experience) this. Thus, we are stuck in an apparent vicious circle that in reality no longer seems to exist. FLOATING gently resolves this illusory vicious circle. In fact, it is the participants themselves who dissolve it. They are the actors, not so much the therapist. In order to understand the mechanism of action, we have to realise that all suffering serves only one purpose, namely, to establish a distance. Every problem, suffering, illness only serves to maintain distance from ourselves, our feelings and thus also from our fellow human beings. On the one hand, this is good because it has a stabilising effect on the nervous system, but it is the old emergency programme that is rarely used today. Instead, it prevents the full life that would be possible. The question now is how can we overcome this mechanism and experience real, deep exchange? This is where FLOATING steps in. Supported by the therapist, a participant who desires to do so is carefully invited, instead of accessing his or her old, deeply familiar distance/defence system, to establish real contact. As soon as genuine contact is made, even at the most minimal level, more energy immediately flows through the nervous system and transformation begins. The human being thereby encounters his feelings and thus also with his fellow human beings. Either we are lost in our states and stories from the past or we are in a real exchange with the person who is there now in this moment. Both are mutually exclusive! Connected we always are the question is only whether with old inner scenarios or with the current outer environment now. Since all people only have one topic, only one problem, the same thing always happens in FLOATING: The participants move towards each other by communicating their feelings with the help of a professional coach. This sounds simple at first, but it is precisely this process that has been connected inside the human being with a high degree of danger or sometimes even a life-threatening danger. In childhood we were completely open and without any protection. This openness was not dealt with lovingly and adequately, instead we had to experience distancing mechanisms from our parents, e.g., anger, separation, manipulation, indifference, etc. These are the things a child's organism experiences. A child's organism experiences these things as life-threatening if they are permanent relationship patterns: the child needs the parents' attention in order to survive. But at the same time, it also needs a loving space to experience and develop itself. This dilemma, which cannot be resolved in childhood, later becomes the subjective reality of the adult, of which he is usually not even aware. He experiences the whole of life as a seemingly unsolvable problem and suffering. On the outside there are only mirrors. With FLOATING, we solve this dilemma so fundamentally that such relationship patterns can no longer continue to be handed over to future generations. At this point I would like to explain why I do not (any longer) support certain recent concepts, devices and methods. Nowadays there are more and more things that are good on their own and actually function, in contrast to many classical approaches from psychotherapy that have brought about little or no change. Nevertheless, anything that contains the implicit message that there is a solution alone, without a relational context, is dangerous in my opinion. Such approaches take us even further off the path, that is, even further into isolation, even though objectively they may be helpful at first. The main problem and the cause of all suffering is our separation from each other, which is deliberately encouraged by the state, the education system, the economy and other traditional structures. In this respect, we should concentrate on what we can do to reunite us. And this requires neither complicated devices nor complicated methods. I also consider all developments that require a single session with a therapist to be outdated. Anyone who is developing something new should, according to my personal opinion, do it in such a way that people connect with one another in groups. The importance of the professional facilitator must thereby step as quickly as possible over into the background, so that the group can regulate within itself and with itself. This eventually leads to the liberation and transformation of all people. FLOATING is such an approach, which has emerged from my therapeutic practice. There are other such methods like Tibetan Pulsing, with a different focus. More will emerge, far beyond our present imagination, like networks that work only telepathically and energetically, completely independent of physical bodies. Our children will probably have to teach us such things again :-) From this moment on, no state, no bank and no religion can stop the transformation.... Any work that exclusively deals with symptoms and diseases and focuses on their removal is a re-enactment of childhood. This often has disastrous consequences for the patient, because the last channel for the energy retained in the system is now also shut down. But you cannot remove the energy, we are holistic. There is no such thing as an illness or symptom isolated from us that has to be removed so that everything will be alright again! Everything is a part of us, everything is part of our life. The only question is whether it expresses itself directly or indirectly. The inner movements needed to be suppressed in our childhood and later show up as a symptom, now that too is to be removed?! You can hardly do anything worse to a human being. What has to be done is to bring the life energy bound up in the form of symptoms and illness back into flow, which ultimately means not much more than being able to tell others what I want and need. We get blocked energy flowing again by acting and communicating ♬.





Gopal Norbert Nanzer-Klein
Brünigstraße 104
6060 Sarnen